Friday, August 31, 2007 this week

  1. one red paperclip

  2. Sullr : France

  3. A N I M O T O: the end of slideshows

  4. Tangler

  5. Mixbook | Create Amazing Books With Your Friends!

  6. Geodata portal :Geodata :King's College London

  7. Profile Builder

  8. Artbreak: Share and sell your art online

  9. myabodo : see your world change

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Another approach to education from the US

This site, edu 2.0, brought to me by Emily Chang at the superb e-hub, brings another choice in my education debate.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

To school or not to school

On the day our li'l lamb goes back to school, my ongoing debate with myself, and occasionally others, about whether she would be better off elsewhere has resurfaced. By elsewhere, I don't mean another school, well, perhaps. Steiner etc. alternatives exist within 3 hours of here, but don't really offer a choice for us. Home-schooling? Maybe. What about starting something locally that could support a home -school choice as a by-product. that's an idea trundling along in the background with a couple of inspiring people in the area. In the meantime, two recent posts have caught my attention. This one from Pat Kane of The Play Ethic about a radical plan for a school in New york. And this one from Ewan McIntosh of edublog which asks some fsacinating questions about higher education (keep reading, it's further down).

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Marketing, The Web and the Public Sector

This is a bit of a short post after a title like that; it should be an essay of some sort. Lots of people working in this area; some that I follow, like Demos. My point is that in the entrepreneurial world there is marketing stuff of great interest to the public sector too. If you're browser and broadband is up to it, here's gapingvoid's full cartoon collection on one page. If in doubt, try them a few at a time here. I've just asked if I can use one of these (yes, that one up there) in a report and presentation I'm working on for one of the roughly twenty Hampshire Rural Pathfinder projects. (One of 8 regions involved in this DEFRA-sposnored innovative exercise.) I think there's a lot of interest to the expressed aim of developing public services that are more responsive to customers' needs.

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Another cracker from Evelyn

"You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Thanks Evelyn

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More - catching up

  1. Leafletter

  2. spigit: innovation

  3. Lumosity - Brain Games and Memory

  4. Footprint Consulting

  5. Views of the Solar

  6. The Project Apollo

  7. Current Solar

  8. Astronomy Picture of the

  9. HubbleSite -- Out of the ordinary...out of this

  10. Google Moon - Lunar Landing

  11. NASA Earth Observatory


  1. Google Mars

  2. NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator


  4. Jet Propulsion Laboratory

  5. Cassini-Huygens Home

  6. NASA - International Space Station

    to NASA space ISS ... saved by 69 other people ... on july 24


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quotes via Evelyne Rodriguez

"When in doubt, share." - as seen on bumper sticker, car ahead (actually a Sun Microsystems ad, yet good counsel anyhow) - Evelyne's Twitter stream 8/23/07

"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all." - Oscar Wilde

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

SOMCATADO percussão

What can I say? Jaw-dropping.

Friday, August 24, 2007


  1. Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Home

  2. Festival Celte en Gévaudan - Saugues - Haute-Loire (43)

  3. The Co-operative Bank - Climate Change Tracker

  4. Mother

  5. The schome website

  6. WikiMindMap

  7. Lifelong Kindergarten :: MIT Media Lab

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Monday, August 20, 2007


  1. Antic Earthworks

    to alternative music didjeridu ... on july 03
  2. Cae Mabon

  3. MFLE - for modern languages information, news, resources and ICT in Scotland

  4. caveman lunch with taleb - part 3 » knackeredhack

    Worth reading the rest

  5. Bede's World: where history was made

Wabi Sabi Work

Wabi Sabi words ...

Focused on nature, authentic, allowed to age, subtle, intuitive, personal, unique, now, whole, open, unresolved, appreciation, seasonal, flexible, ambiguous, tolerant, paradoxical, unrefined, elegant, fractal, organic, living, handmade, soft-edged, patina, stone, listening, seeing, receptive, slow, humble, plain, reflective, mindful, heart, warm.

What are these words?

Focused on technology, copied, eternal youth, bold, obvious, rational, impersonal, conformity, same, in the future, split into parts, closed, closure, depreciation, quarterly, intolerant, unambiguous, black and white, refined ornate, square and measured, geometric, artifact, mass-produced, hard=edged, plastic, steel, talk, show, arrogant, fast, proud, fancy unconscious, mindless, heartless, cold

In a balanced life, or in my balance for life, I am happier with the first list, but working life often brings me amongst the second lot. Can a philosophy or approach to working life based on the first collection survive and benefit those worlds of work dominated by the second? Or should I give up now and find a world of work that the first list describes?

What do you think?

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