To school or not to school

On the day our li'l lamb goes back to school, my ongoing debate with myself, and occasionally others, about whether she would be better off elsewhere has resurfaced. By elsewhere, I don't mean another school, well, perhaps. Steiner etc. alternatives exist within 3 hours of here, but don't really offer a choice for us. Home-schooling? Maybe. What about starting something locally that could support a home -school choice as a by-product. that's an idea trundling along in the background with a couple of inspiring people in the area. In the meantime, two recent posts have caught my attention. This one from Pat Kane of The Play Ethic about a radical plan for a school in New york. And this one from Ewan McIntosh of edublog which asks some fsacinating questions about higher education (keep reading, it's further down).
Labels: education home schooling, play, school
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