One of my blog sources wrote recently, what we need is more clarity, not more communication. I felt at the time there was something in this, but that it was based on a widespread misuse of the word communication, particularly in organisations. Organisational communication is often one-way; getting the message across, pushing the message out, using all the media. etc. etc. Nothing two-way about all that. yes of course communication means listening; but do we actually do it, or anywhere near enough of it, to approach two-way communication and mutual understanding. A real conversation. I don't think so.
Then there's this whole dimension of communication without words? Conversations wothout words?
Evelyn quotes a couple of recent twitters today ...
"The best conversations require no words at all, and lead people to the same end point of understanding." - You Decide aka Matt Charron
And then:
"Art seems a conversation without words, reaching deep into our emotional well producing an indescribable reaction." - You Decide aka Matt Charron
Labels: communication, evelyn rodriguez, words