I'm having a bit of a professional tidy up at the moment. I have phases where I generate a few ideas and then follow a few up until I see whether it works out or not. Sometimes this trial period can becoem a bit of a habit, and I forget to check if it's worked out. In the last couple of months, I've been aware of a lack of job satisfaction and have been gradually exploring what that's all about. And gradually closing chapters and trying to tidy up loose ends. The elephant and the flea experience is part of that, but by no means all of it. At the smae time, I'm discovering the joy of binning 'stuff' that might have been useful if some of the trials had come off, but now they are being parked, it can go.
This has spilled over into other aspects of my life too, as I let some things go, and put others away. Not surprising since I've been deliberately weaving my life into one story instead of a collection of boxes. A minor part of that is the pile of about 100 paperbacks that I want to pass on. I have had a few thoughts about how to do it:
Amazon third party, (but I have to get them all back to the UK);
Giving them to charity shops, (but I have to get them all back to the UK);
Trying some kind of book swap here in France, (I like this but need to think of some ways to do it). One idea is that for the cost of exchange postage, I could swap with other expats.
Or, maybe there are enough expats or other English readers around here somewhere that I could stick them in the ZX and trot off to meet up with a few other folks and swap.
Anyway, they're all here, if anyone is interested in finding out what they are, let me know. If you have an idea of how to get them out into circulation, please tell me!
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